Wednesday, August 31, 2016


For those of you who have stumbled upon this blog, welcome! On August 20th, 2016 at approximately 10:30 AM I climbed up into the cab of a 26' Penske truck with my Father in law, Randy. This was one of those trucks that is so big you should probably have a CDL to drive it. Our family had just packed almost all of our possessions into that truck. My wife, kids, and Mother in law hopped in a Chevy Equinox and followed behind. We left the Lowcountry of South Carolina, and have now relocated up North to Ambridge, PA. I will be attending seminary at Trinity School For Ministry for the next three years, and this is guaranteed to be an experience to be remembered. We knew that we would want to start a blog about this adventure for a few reasons.

First we wanted to keep friends, family, and loved ones in the loop while we are up here. Ambridge is long way away from my hometown of Charleston SC.

Second, we wanted to be able to have our memories documented for the years to come. I'm ADD and forgetful, so this will help a ton. 

Third, when I felt the call of the Lord and began discerning whether or not I was being called into ordained ministry I didn't have any clue what seminary life would be like. I had a couple amazing mentors who helped clue me in, but a blog like this could have been really helpful as well. Hopefully we can help inform others, and spouses of others, about some of what they can expect when they take a step out in faith and follow the Lord into this process. We hope to share all of our laughs, tears, and goofy kid photos with you. I'm sure we will miss some things, probably a couple important things, but we'll do our best not to. Not all of these blog posts will be written by myself either. Sara is sure to put her fair share of posts up as well. It is the Klauber Village after all. A village, by definition, requires more than one person to be involved.

Finally, none of this would be possible without the generosity of our family and friends who support us both prayerfully and financially. Thank you! As they say, "it takes a village." Continue to pray for us. If you feel called to support us, let me know. I can tell you how you can do so in a tax deductible manner. 

Grace and peace, 
Will, Sara, Elizabeth, and William Klauber 

1 comment:

  1. We miss you all already but are so excited for you that you have answered His call. Hope to see the Klauber Village in person before long. Love you all, Mom (Mimi)
