Thursday, March 21, 2019

An Update

It's been a while since I gave an update. In my last update, the Lord had me in a holding pattern. Although I knew what God was calling us to then, I wasn't sure it was time to answer with a yes. Once we returned to Ambridge I was able to reflect and discern following my summer internship at St. John's. In October I finally heard it was time, and I said yes to the call to plant a church on Johns Island, SC. I knew at the time the road ahead would be long. Also, before I could move much further there were some things I had to do first. A few of those major steps have been taken since October, and things seemingly came to a crescendo last week during a short, but intense, trip home.

First I had to pass my canonical exams. Canonical Exams are comprised of a three day, six-part, written exam, and an oral interview with the Board of Examining Chaplains. I took the written exam in January, and last Monday I passed the oral examination. I was officially forwarded on to the next step in the process.

Tuesday I met with the Standing Committee and Commission on Ministry for the Diocese. After about an hour long interview they voted unanimously to recommend me (and the other three candidates as well) to the Bishop for ordination.

Wednesday, with the support of Flip Bryan, Fr. Greg Snyder, and Fr. Gary Beson we opened up a checking account and post office box for St. Aidan's. It was a momentous occasion, and worth celebrating!

Friday presented an opportunity to lead a workshop at our Diocesan Convention. I was asked to help lead a panel style seminar on a program called Mission Insite. Mission Insite is an online demographics database which we have used to evaluate the makeup of Johns Island. It was critical for the vestry of my home church, St. John's Parish, in analyzing the need for planting St. Aidan's on Johns Island. It was also vital for me in my discernment as I asked the question, "am I called to John's Island?"

Finally, on Saturday, March 16th, Bishop Lawrence announced to those in attendance at Diocesan Convention that all four graduating seminarians from the diocese would be moving forward towards ordination. I was humbled to be affirmed in such a public way, and in front of so many people who have been praying for us since the beginning of our discernment process. 

So as I sit here in Ambridge and reflect back on last week, I also look forward at what the Lord has ahead of us. Knowing that the road ahead of us is long, I pray. I pray because now the real challenge begins. There is a small group of people who I have been blessed to have met with for a couple months now. We have been called to reach the unchurched on John's Island. I have been called to lead this endeavor in a rapidly growing area of my hometown. We don't have a building (yet). What we do have is an identity and a vision to get to know the people of Johns Island. We are called to sow seeds of the Gospel, feed those who the Lord adds to our flock, and see God's Kingdom grow throughout the Sea Islands. It will not be easy, but it isn't supposed to be.

Right now I would humbly ask that you pray for us. Pray for Sara, Elizabeth, William, and me. Pray for St. Aidan's. Pray for God's providence. If you're interested in supporting us, that would be great too. Just let me know. But for now, please keep us in your prayers. The kids finish school the first week of June, and I hope to hit the ground running shortly after that. Pray for smooth transitions for them. Above all else, pray that I will be a faithful husband, father, and minister of the Gospel as we step into this new calling the Lord has placed on our lives. To God be the glory!


  1. Such good news. Always happy to be your intercessor, so put me on your mailing list. BAC

  2. How exciting!!! I work in that area at pharmacies monthly and can’t believe the growth over the last 8 years! What a great mission field! Beautiful people and beautiful country. Love the name too. We have a grandson with that name.

  3. Congratulations I'm so proud of you and I know you will do great things. You and your family family will be in my prayers. Please remember me in the futur if you ever need a youth/ children director. I'm graduating in two years with a major in Christian Education. I'm so glad I got to know you from camp.

  4. Dearest Brother, I am so extremely proud of you and this incredible journey God has traveled with you. As I will be trusting God to help me do likewise, here is what I have looked into. There are many small empty Catholic churches, among others, needing tenants. I have looked at three such possibilities. It may work for you, too. I will email you some other ideas relative to this.

    Praising God for your faithfulness to Him. Keep giving to Jesus glory!

    Rev. Jim
